Does Hypnotherapy Work for Menopause? Absolutely!
As many women are likely aware, menopause awareness is a hot topic right now, and more and more women are seeking ways to manage their symptoms. There are numerous options available, and not every woman wants to turn to hormone replacement therapy (HRT) as her first line of defense. A couple of years ago, I thought I was experiencing peri-menopause myself. I tried a range of treatments—supplements, acupuncture, exercise, a healthy diet, and fasting—many of which contributed to a healthier lifestyle, which, of course, is always beneficial. But since I started using hypnotherapy on myself, everything has changed. In fact, I now find myself questioning whether I was truly going through peri-menopause in the first place, because I am now completely symptom-free.
When I tell people that I used hypnotherapy to help myself, they often think I’m a bit mad, imagining me sitting at home swinging a pendant in front of myself or doing something strange. It’s always amusing to hear this reaction! But, no, self-hypnosis is not about swinging a pendant or looking into a mirror while chanting, “Look into my eyes.” It is an alternative treatment, and the question I’m often asked now is: Does hypnotherapy work for menopause? And my answer is a resounding YES! It really does.
Recently, I worked with a client who had been suffering—yes, suffering—for years with menopause symptoms. When she sent me a message the other day to share how much her situation had improved, my heart soared with joy. Not only because I knew this progress was possible, but because my client was no longer suffering. She is now using the tools I taught her, and she is experiencing the benefits firsthand.
Of course, it’s not ethical for me to promise specific outcomes for every client, because each person’s experience is unique. But her improvements have far exceeded my expectations, and I couldn’t be happier for her. When clients come to me feeling genuinely distressed, we talk through what changes they would like to see, and together, we create a plan to help them achieve those changes.
This particular client had tried HRT, various supplements, and alternative medicines with little to no success. Now, just a week into using hypnotherapy, she’s messaging me daily to share the improvements she’s feeling. She’s also using the tools I’ve taught her to manage her symptoms on her own. When she senses that a symptom might arise, as most women will understand from experience, she now has a “toolbox” to help herself navigate through it.
After just one session, she feels more relaxed and confident, and if she continues with our planned six sessions, we both believe she will continue to see positive changes. Using hypnotherapy has already begun to bring her life back, and she’s excited to keep moving forward. With consistent practice, there’s no reason why she can’t feel like her old self again by the end of our sessions.
This is truly exciting news for those looking for an alternative treatment to manage menopause symptoms. Hypnotherapy is a powerful tool that can bring relief and transformation—proof that there are options beyond traditional treatments.